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Combe comedy night. Friday April 11th. 7 for 8pm.

Combe comedy night. Friday April 11th. 7 for 8pm.

Graham Parrish6 Feb - 18:03

Combe comedy night. Friday April 11th. 7 for 8pm. Featuring: Lee Hurst (headline), Sean Meo, Madeline Brettingham, Jake Steers and Adam Morrison (MC)

Come and join us at the Combe comedy night.
Friday April 11th. 7 for 8pm.

Featuring: Lee Hurst (headline), Sean Meo, Madeline Brettingham, Jake Steers and Adam Morrison (MC)

Food available from the kitchen.

Tickets £15.00
Payment in advance by:
BACS to: Westcombe Park RFC. Sort code: 30-96-31,
Acc no: 47218760 Add ref: Comedy night, your name.
Please message John Aitkenhead once ordered
so he can add you to the list:

John Aitkenhead 07752 752734 or

Profits from the evening will be split between the Dementia Cafe Orpington and the Club

Further reading