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The New Clubhouse : Q&A’s

The New Clubhouse : Q&A’s

Graham Seppings4 Dec 2013 - 11:59

For those who were unable to attend or would like to see some of the questions and answers from other sessions, below is a list of the most popular.

Q : Why do we need a new clubhouse?
A : The current clubhouse is no longer “fit for purpose” and costs to maintain the facility are increasing disproportionately each year. Whilst we have an excellent club, with 1st class external facilities the clubhouse is now hampering our future development and growth as a club. In addition a new club house would provide a new source of revenues to help us expand and invest in the future.

Q : When are we looking to move into the new clubhouse?
A : Our plan is to commence building work in May 2014 and complete late August/early September 2014. So ideally we commence the new season in our new home.

Q : How much is it going to cost ?
A : The cheapest quote received was £600k. A detailed specification was put out to competitive tender and we received 3 quotes which varied from £600k up to £1.2m!

Q : What if we don’t manage to raise all the money?
A : We are working with a number of potential funders; if they all deliver then we will raise all that is required for completion. We recognise however that things may not go exactly as we hope so we have options to work with a variety of alternative funders and still achieve our target return. The intention is to review our situation early in 2014 and if there is a strong view that we cannot hit the £600k target then we have two options; commence the project on basis of a phased completion or alternatively delay the project pending a better financial climate. These options would be taken to the club membership for review prior to any decision.

Q : How are we going to fund the cost of the new build?
A : We have applied/are applying to a number of external Funding bodies to raise the majority of the project cost. These include the London Marathon Charitable Trust, The Mayor of London Sports Facilities Fund, The RFU, and The Sports England Inspired Facilities Fund.
In addition to this we have applied for an interest-free loan of £100k from the RFF and importantly we are targeting a total of £120k to come from our members.

Q : What is going to happen to the club during the building phase and what replacement facilities will be offered?
A : The main building work will take place during the rugby close season and it is hoped that there will be minimum impact upon WPRFC activities. Our associate clubs will however be effected and we are working with them to provide temporary overflow and alternative facilities - including for example, porta cabins - to cover the period in question.

Q : How can I donate money towards the new build project ?
A : Any committee member will be happy to take a cheque from you now! We are also in the process of establishing a New Build Fundraising Team; we will provide full details of names and their plans later in December.

Q : Are the other clubs on the site also involved in the project?
A: Yes. We have letters of support and offers of increased utilisation from several of our associate clubs

Q : Will Associated clubs be helping with funds from their governing bodies?
A : It seems unlikely that governing bodies will provide funds for a third party project however they have offered support in other ways.

Q : Can we increase associated clubs’ fees to support the project costs?
A : That is not our intention. We want to retain the support and commitment of these clubs through what may be a disruptive period for them.

Q : How much money do we actually need to start the work with a chance of then completing?
A : As of now our goal is to secure the full sum required. We will review status early in 2014 and at that point consider alternative options as necessary.

Q : Why is there a gap between the 2 buildings on the plans?
A : This is a planning requirement.

Q : Do we know the likely cash flow from the various funding bodies?
A : Yes we have those details and they vary quite considerably; some are available at project start and others are delayed until completion. We are looking at temporary funding options to cover any gaps - including interim financing from London Borough of Bromley.

Q : If we are thinking of applying to Veolia for funding what they want in return?
A : Funding from Veolia and other similar companies is provided as part of their responsibility to the community to restore landfill sites. These companies follow standard public funding practice with no unusual strings attached.

Q : Is there funding available from other organisations beyond those mentioned in the presentations to members?
A : Yes there are a number of other possible sources of funds; we have highlighted those that are our current focus but we are considering other options and will pursue these further once the current round of applications has been completed.

Q : Will the RFU give us more money if other funding bodies don’t agreed to fund our project?
A : The RFU will provide in accordance with their normal practice and we do not expect more than has been indicated to date. Our avenues for additional funding will come from a number of other public and private bodies.

Q : Will we be going out the commercial market place for loans if necessary?
A : Costs of financing loans would make our current business plan unworkable so this option is not being pursued.

Q : How confident are you that £600k is an accurate cost? What does the £600k include?
A : We have a quote of £600k to meet our specification so we are confident that this is an accurate cost. That said the spec does not include a number of items such as kitchen equipment, furnishings, painting and decoration etc. We believe that elements of the project can be delivered at less than quote either by negotiation or with the help of club members providing services at lower margin/cost. Bottom line, the building that we have in September may still require some additional finishing work but we believe that the vast majority will have been completed.

Q : Will the building contractor be time-bound in the terms of the contract?
A : The contract will be specific as to delivery timescales.

Q : What if increased membership required for funding applications doesn’t materialise? How are we going to measure this?
A : WPRFC and the other associate clubs are confident that the new facility will attract new members. There is considerable evidence to support this view - including formal statements in support of our plans together with anecdotal data from other clubs with similar experience to our own. In addition our own club membership has given us every reason to believe that this project will increase participation at WPRFC. Membership measurement is already managed by WPRFC and the associate clubs; each will be required to provide annual returns in accordance with funder’s requirements.

Q : Have we included a costs for someone to run the new facility attracting new commercial activity?
A : Yes we will recruit a commercial manager in the new year and hope that this position will be filled by a club member.

Q : What is being done to engage the players in this project?
A : All areas of the club will be represented in the fundraising team and players will be asked to participate in those activities.

Q : How can I find out more information about the build project?
A : We will keep the website updated regularly but any one of the current project team and the new fundraising team will be happy to provide one to one updates.

Q : How can I get more involved in the new build project?
A : Please pass you name to any of the current team and we will be happy to include you in future activity.

Q: Can we move the first team pitch closer to the clubhouse as part of this project?
A: There are various reasons why this is not possible including our commitments to OCC, the cost of moving the stand from its’ existing position and the fact that the existing pitch location is considered the best from a drainage point of view.

Q: Will the new building be more secure?
A: Yes; the new building will be designed to minimise access opportunities with pitch roof, window shutters and reduced access throughout.

Q: Should the main hall not have its’ own bar?
A: This was considered but it was felt that the requirements of the hall would be more efficiently served with a temporary bar. This maintains flexibility and reduces operating cost.

Q: Does the project compromise the position of the rugby club going forward.
A: No; we believe that on the contrary this project is the best possible way to secure rugby’s future at Goddington Dene. There will be new activities at the club but the majority of these will complement the activities of WPRFC - for example with more use of pitches in evenings and weekends.

Q: Could we not plan for a bigger main hall?
A: Plans still have some flexibility but the design was drawn up based on the views of club members who wanted to retain two bar areas as now in addition to the hall. The planned hall can cater for over 150 people and the general view is that this will cover most expected demand.

Q: Could we not build over the existing clubhouse and then demolish and so reduce time of unavailability?
A: This was considered but the need to replace existing foundations together with uncertainty about the content of the existing main building ruled the option impractical.

Q: If I have further questions about the new build how to I raise them or who can I speak with?
A: Feel free to talk with any of the current new clubhouse committee members or those that will form the new fundraising team.

Q: How will you be keeping the membership informed as the project progresses?
A: In the short term our main means of communication back to membership will be via the club web site. Once we are clear on major issues such as the results of funding bids, we will call further membership meetings.

Q: What are the big risks surrounding this project and how are they being dealt with?
A: As with any major project there are a number of risks; most of these are self-evident - for example failure to secure funding, contractor delays etc.. The club’s management committee maintains a project risk register which is normally reviewed and updated on a weekly basis. The project also is subject to regular critical path analysis and any issues which are likely to impact delivery are addressed as appropriate.

Q: Which groups are you talking to about using the new facility?
A: We are talking to a number of groups, each of whom fits our required profile as being complementary to existing club activities and likely to enhance our credibility with funders. These include Bromley Carers, Bromley College, The Priory School and a variety of fitness groups. Most importantly it is our intention to grow the participation of existing users of the facility and in particular to boost rugby playing at all levels and age groups.

Q: Can’t we just stay as we are?
A: We could stay as we are - but not for long! The existing clubhouse is expensive to run, insecure and does not provide us with the capability to raise much needed revenues to fund the club’s growth. If we were not to rebuild, then the current facility would require costly improvements which would do no more than enable us to stand still as an organisation.


New Building Q&A

Further reading